I'll probably go back to the old background, but today has been a day of much-needed change. Unfortunately, I have only found that in the design of my blog.
Things I have done in the past 24 hours that I should not have:1.
Waste my time at the school health center. Basically, as one might recall from an earlier post, I hurt my foot pretty badly a few weeks ago (alcohol + running in the hopes of flying + downhill = FAIL). Anyway, going to my school's lame excuse of a medical center left me wasting 3 hours of my life for the prescription of an ice pack ("It can even be used as a heating pad!").
Not even kidding.
Called an ex. Ok, I get
it. I asked for it. In my defense, however, I wasn't even drunk (or lonely, thank you very much!), just, you know, friendly. According to how this was SUPPOSED to play out, I was going to be all like, "Wow. It has been FOREVER. What ever happened to us? Do you just...
ahh. Do you just ever wonder how things could have been??" He would then be like, "You have no idea how often I ponder that very question! My nights are sleepless without you in my life." Instead I talked about my paper lamp and he said that my constant criticisms left him nearly too nervous to even mention his new place of work. Isn't it everyone's dream to work at a retail store post-graduation?
Fell in love with a stranger. I am an expert at this. It's very easy for me to see somebody from afar and decide that they are all that is needed to complete my life. Not only that, but despite their looks, mannerisms, or whatever else I'm obsessed with, I can make myself believe that they are EXACTLY what I have been looking for all along. This one happens to have gauged ears and short, curly hair. He always looks happy (yes, I see him often) and has a certain aloofness to him. Man do I love a good stalkee with his head in the clouds. Makes it easier for the abduction.
Wore my headphones to class. The added distraction of being oblivious to my surroundings left me awkwardly "greeting" someone I knew. And by "greeting" I mean that my "hello" came out completely silent and stupid looking.
Such is life.