Basically, the girl had trust issues. Soooooo, instead of wondering if her man was cheating, she kept the 'ship open and unquestionable. Both could romp around with whomever they so chose, just as long as they kept some kind of connection at the end of the day. Of course, jealousy doesn't stay away for too long and before you know it, other people start sweeping them off their feet...or propping them against dumpsters in back alleys (romance comes in all shapes and forms, really...).
I've had various conversations with people who swear up and down that humans were not meant for monogamy and that we should all just do it--literally--with anyone we want. Sure, I can understand the reasoning; our deepest, animalistic need is to survive and procreate. But, to be fair, we also began to develop emotions and feelings and if Fling were to offer any lesson, it would be that no matter how hard you try to suppress something, all you're doing is acknowledging it 24/7. Basically, it backfires. And you wind up pregnant. That's what happened in the movie.
Call me old fashioned, but I'm totally cool spending the rest of my life with just one person. When you find the right one, they offer something new every day. We may be "established" beings, but it's not like we are made of plaster; our cells, ideas, opinions, yadda yadda yadda are always regenerating. I mean, sure. Sometimes you DO find that a relationship takes its course and the two people can no longer stand each other...but sometimes those two people learn to work as a unit and keep a balance.
I just hope that one day a crazy looking guy from a motorcycle gang overs to back me up in a fight with a self-proclaimed self high-fiver....after said hell's angel appears out of nowhere of course.
I know, and when I get "told" that I live in a fantasy world, I can recover by being like, "Fantasy?! Is that like a strip club??"
And he will nod.
i like how i said "overs" instead of "offers".....and i'm a Senior in college.
And I read it as such because that's how I have been pronouncing it my whole life anyway.
<3 your blog my lovely friend
aw! thanks ang, i never saw that until now!!
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