Sunday, October 17, 2010

Party Fail

Does it look like I give a ****?

I find the idea of creating a "party foul" a pretty absurd one. You can be having a relatively normal back and forth conversation with someone whilst shit-faced ("normal" aside from the fact that vocal volume goes up 75 decibels), but god forbid you knock a beer over because

ooooooh woah woah WOAH!!

Suddenly, you've actually proven that you were just THAT the closed eyes and struggle for equilibrium not only didn't give it away, but were what? Becoming? Yeeaah.

The thing that really gets me is the way everyone will overcompensate for what happened before you, the party fouler, even have a chance to just say, "Sorry, man." See, to be frank, I've done a lot of rreeaalllly stupid things in my life while sober to actually give half a shit for spilling someone's beer while I'm drunk. In fact, yesterday, when this happened (yup, this is about me...did I forget to mention this?), the guy asked if I felt bad. HA! Nope. And I told him that.

If his friend would have stopped his fake laughing long enough, he may have heard me ask if he'd at least like me to buy him another beer.

Not like I really would have though.

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